Re-current observation: valentine's day is not for the weak hearted. You must have guts made of steel to make it through this auspicious day. Not that I'm on an anti-valentine's day rampage, or anything of the sort. I'm not bitter, really. Or just perhaps the tiniest bitter. But that's okay. After a couple of bottles of Pop and some intense Grey's Anatomy viewing, I will be fine. Okay, so maybe I need to vent a bit. ASDFGHJHKLLLLLPOIUYTREWQXCVBNM!!!!!!!111
Okay, I'm good to go, for now atleast.
On a more heavier note (as if this wasn't heavy enough), I am officially poor. Just though you should know. Whoever "you" are. I've been really craving Urban Outfitter's jewellery, and to my relief, I've found a way to avoid a $20 per item hole in my bank account, creating a whole of a mere $4.
So the quality isn't absolutely top-notch. But it'll do just great for this flat-out broke university student.
Observe pretty little bows. Must. Have.
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