Sunday, February 22, 2009

hi Mum

Undeniably the best dressed mother-daughter duo these eyes have ever seen. I miss my mum'ma.
Taken from

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Spring reminds me of all the things I cannot have right now. It reminds me of exactly how desperate I feel to just wander around in sandals, but in this Canadian snow? No thanks. It reminds me of the fact that Topshop will be opening in New York the day after my birthday. And don't forget colour. I've been anticipating to peel away the layers of black and grey coats and cardigans and just do with some colour. But with the Canadian snow? No thanks
It should be mentioned that it has begun to snow after a month long hiatus. Hence the bitterness(?). But mostly, Spring reminds me of the things I miss, and will be missing.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

So here we are

Sometimes I wish that I were a stuffed elefunt (pronounced: ele-phunt). I think like would've been much more simpler.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Silver lining

Re-current observation: valentine's day is not for the weak hearted. You must have guts made of steel to make it through this auspicious day. Not that I'm on an anti-valentine's day rampage, or anything of the sort. I'm not bitter, really. Or just perhaps the tiniest bitter. But that's okay. After a couple of bottles of Pop and some intense Grey's Anatomy viewing, I will be fine. Okay, so maybe I need to vent a bit. ASDFGHJHKLLLLLPOIUYTREWQXCVBNM!!!!!!!111
Okay, I'm good to go, for now atleast.
On a more heavier note (as if this wasn't heavy enough), I am officially poor. Just though you should know. Whoever "you" are. I've been really craving Urban Outfitter's jewellery, and to my relief, I've found a way to avoid a $20 per item hole in my bank account, creating a whole of a mere $4.
So the quality isn't absolutely top-notch. But it'll do just great for this flat-out broke university student.
Observe pretty little bows. Must. Have.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

currently Coveting

When you have an English final essay due the next day, it's not wise to loitering on ze interweb and taking would-be obscure pictures. If all else fails, perhaps I'll become a hobo.
I'm in love with the girl in the Vans ad. Not that I'm a huge Vans fan (maybe if I didn't have a huge dent in my bank account I would've been a fan), but if I could look so effortless in jeans and a tshirt, well I wouldn't be here would I?(?) And those legs. Lord those legs.
I'm also a terrible necklace junkie, and I've fallen in love with these treats in this month's Nylon Magazine.
Also covetting Too-Big tshirt from American Apparel in Lapis (or was it Royal Blue?), Corey Kennedy/Alexa Chung-esque hair.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Peaches and Cream

I just couldn't help but admire these two pictures side-by-side. A 21st century take on Audrey Hepburn? A little bit of Grace Kelly too?

Monday, February 9, 2009

one Moment

I suggest you listen to this now: "Bruises" Chairlift
I'm on a blogging roll! Sorry, things just occur to me randomly. Huzzah!

got Holes In My New Jeans For You

I've come to realize that my camera is incredibly old-school. Or maybe it's just the damn lighting. I have learnt though, that I really need an outstanding tripod, and perhaps a place where there is no clutter. The last picture is self-explanatory. I was over-come with exhaustion as I attempted to take pictures of myself (what a narcissistic sentence, it really isn't that bad). So I admitted defeat and went down on my knees as a last attempt. Fail.

I should really learn how to be more photogenic.


Must. Have. Eel. Skin. Leggings.

I realize how this has become a place for my love of all thing American Apparel. Ironically, due to insufficient funds, I do not own as many AA items as I would like.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

hello Miss Barton

I'm not going to deny it, Mischa Barton has had a great influence on my interest in fashion. To be honest, she started my obsession with clothing and fashion. I blame it on The O.C.. Be it her Californian carefree style, to her boho-chic style (a long favourite), Mischa proves that fashion has no bounds. I love her evolving style.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

oh Aa

Oh American Apparel, you kill me during my financial constraints. How I long for your Mélange JerseyPocket Skirt. You will be mine, soon I like to think, when I crack under the no-shopping ban. Perhaps the ultimate farewell purchase until I get a job? This time I promise. For sure.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

hello Denim!

The mother has been given strict instructions to hack off a decent couple of inches from the old ankle-length denim skirt. I'm such a copy-cat, I know. I'm just in love with the new trend of acid washed, faded, mini, shredded denim. The father's old levi's perhaps?

oh Please

'nuff said.

Monday, February 2, 2009

oh Hi

I've been inspired to keep a collection of my random thoughts here. Kind of like a memoir. So when I'm rich and famous, it'll be easy to write a book on my life. I kid, or not. I think I'll stick to "I kid" since it makes me look like less of a pretentious asshole.

With three semi-skimmed books on Bismark lying on my bed, I thought to myself, what could be better than starting a blog? The history-essay proposal can wait for the night-before.

For less than obvious reasons, the name of this blog is inspired by my more-than lovely best friend, who introduced me to this song which she says "is the story of our lives".